Getting rid of remaining paint in Frisco can be challenging. For starters, you have no idea where to take the cans to dispose of them, and throwing them in the trash can is not the answer—nor is keeping them around the house. Sure, you can start looking for alternative ways, but that’s time consuming, and you’re better off doing something productive with your time.
That’s where Dallas Paint Disposal comes in. Our Frisco paint removal services guarantee that we get rid of any unwanted and opened cans of paint from both your household or business. We have efficient methods on dealing with paint disposal, which include recycling but also donating. Finding safe and eco-friendly methods of disposing paint is our speciality, and by using our services, you also participate in helping the environment by not keeping opened cans of paint which can spill and cause unnecessary damage.
Keeping hazardous materials like paint at your house can be dangerous, and if spilled, this can ruin your floors (if the paint is kept somewhere inside), or damage the soil in your backyard. So, your best after you finish repairing the house, shed, or fence, is to call a professional service to dispose of any unwanted paint.
Additionally, Dallas Paint Disposal also removes old paint in Frisco from office buildings or retail facilities. We offer quality commercial paint removal services if that’s what you’re looking for. And, no matter the amount of opened paint cans you want to dispose of, no job is too big or too small for us.
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Our Address: 11817 Judd Ct, Ste 116, Dallas, TX 75243